Thursday, February 18, 2010

El Milagro de Guadalupe

Day 2 – Spring campaign 40 Days for Life - El Paso

El Milagro de Guadalupe (The Miracle of Guadalupe)

There is a spanish television program called “El Milagro de Guadalupe.” I don’t know where the stories come from but what I’m about to describe to you is truly a “Milagro de Guadalupe.”

I received a call this afternoon from Lupita, the woman who decided to keep her baby yesterday, day one of the 40 days for life campaign. She said I was her angel and she calls me angel. When I gave her my phone yesterday, I told her that my name is Miguel Angel, and not to forget it, “Miguel Angel.”

She told me that she is 12 weeks pregnant and that she already feels her baby move inside of her. This will be Lupita’s first baby! She told me that her abortion was paid for by her sister in-law and that her baby was scheduled to be killed yesterday at 8:30 a.m.

Lupita described that while sitting in her car, she saw me on her mirror and then saw Gaby praying. That she felt like we were a couple of Angels. When she saw us, she felt “Alivio y iluminación” (healing and an illumined). Lupita went on to describe how the nurse who was acting as a security guard kept enticing her to go inside the clinic. The nurse would say, “Don’t listen to these people, walk inside with me,” and “Eso que traes es una carga para ti” (that thing you are carrying is only a load on you). Lupita then told me that she saw a priest dressed like St. Francis and that it reminded her of the Church she goes to. She said that she thought, “I can’t do this to my baby.”

I can’t figure out how Lupita was able to see the Franciscan Priest (Fr. Luis), since there was a wall between where Lupita was parked and where the priest was standing in prayer. He never walked around the wall to where Lupita could see him, but somehow she saw him! I asked Lupita if she realized how many people where there praying for her and her baby. She said that she never realized how many until she was leaving. She also told me that she recognized a few people from her Church. "La que canta," (Lorena) and other ladies from her church.

Lupita again said that the Franciscan priest she saw there (Fr. Luis) made her think that she needed to go get her ashes (it was Ash Wednesday), and that she did afterwards.

Lupita said that as she was leaving, she saw how mad the lady who honked at me was. That made Lupita mad witnessing how that lady was so mean to me. Lupita said that Gaby gave her a rosary and a gift and that Gaby is an Angel, that she will never forget our faces.

As we continued talking, Lupita told me that she goes to Guadalupe Parish on Alabama St. I said, “O my God, do you realize the number of people, including the priest that where there were from Guadalupe?” “La Virgencita must have put them up to this, so you can see how your Church supports you and your baby!” She cried at realizing how her Church community had been moved to be there, precisely on that day and at that time. Lupita added that she is very devoted to Our Lady of Guadalupe and San Judas Tadeo.

She also described that she is under tremendous pressure from her sister in law and the father of her baby to have the abortion. Unbeknownst to us, a few minutes after Lupita had left, her sister in-law arrived at the clinic looking for her. After the sister in-law realized that Lupita decided to keep her baby, she threatened her to “go kill that baby herself” and the father of the baby said that he did not want to have anything to do with Lupita. I told her that no one can force her to do something that she does not want to do. That the baby is a very special gift from God and the proof is in all the people there giving her prayers and their support.

She said that she can’t believe how women kill their babies and she asked me if anyone else changed her mind about having the abortion. I told her that there was a possible turnaround but we did not know for sure. She asked me if people mistreat us like she saw yesterday, and I told her sometimes they do, but you and your baby and all the mothers and their babies are worth it!

She told me that her “Prima” (cousin) was very happy that she had decided to keep her baby. The cell she was using was lent to her by her cousin. I told her “You see, even people that you know are supporting your decision to keep your baby!”

Today, at Our Lord’s pleasure, He gave us a glimpse of what happens “behind the scenes” how a woman in a crisis pregnancy feels, how a woman being forced to abort feels helpless and needs our help. How our prayerful presence makes a difference. How abortion clinic employees try to entice the women to go inside where they can confuse them further.

On 9/11 when people all over the country felt fear and uncertainty, we flocked to our Churches because at Church we felt safe. One day God willing, the same will happen with anyone who is pregnant and scared, or feels pressured to abort. Today by the Grace of God and I’m sure by the intersession of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Lupita’s Guadalupe Church was moved to be at that clinic on that day and at that time!

For the Greater Glory of God!

Miguel Angel

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