Last Monday it was a particularly difficult day outside the hilltop abortion clinic, because of all the distractions in prayer caused by the clinic staff. So Tuesday morning, I asked in prayer for Our Lord to send in His Angels to help us out.
While praying, I imagined how Angels might come down from heaven. How do they move between the spiritual world into the physical world? Does this transition cause something like a sonic boom?
As I was praying, I saw a white VAN full of home schooled children that had come in to pray. As that VAN went by, I remember a picture that a friend had shown me of an air force fighter breaking the sound barrier. Here are the Angels, I thought! God is sending his most precious asset in the world to pray for those precious ones in danger of abortion!
A few minutes later more kids showed up to pray, sing and show a sign that read “Honk for LIFE.” It was a beautiful sight! The kids counted the “Honks for LIFE” and I believe it was 613!
Ever since that day, we have seen moms and dads choosing life for their children just about every day. Perhaps we should learn to follow the advice that Jesus gave us in Mathew 19:13-15 Then children were brought to him that he might lay his hands on them and pray. The disciples rebuked them, but Jesus said, "Let the children come to me, and do not prevent them; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." After he placed his hands on them, he went away.
For Life!
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