I want to report everything that happened Good Friday, April 22, 2011. These are the accurate accounts of what happened...

We named the baby Joseph Thomas and took pictures of this poor child that was desecrated in a parking lot. According to google, to desecrate something means to treat (a sacred place or thing) with violent disrespect; violate. This child was definitely treated with violence and disrespect. The baby was killed. Disrespect is too nice of a word. The child's dignity was stripped away from him.
We called 911 and police arrived shortly. The officers investigated immediately. They saw the dismembered child, red taped the parking lot. They at first said they don't know what to conclude, and that it could even be a murder case. We gave them the remains and they showed it to the clinic owners. They said that it didn't come from inside their clinic. The clinic denies responsibility and reportedly told police they dispose of everything properly.
We pleaded to the police to allow us to hold a burial service for this child. Bishop Armando Ochoa arrived the scene. He had been there earlier that morning to pray as he does ever Good Friday. Bishop Ochoa asked the officers to allow a proper burial for the child. The El Paso Police Department spokesman, Mike Baranyay arrived at the scene to investigate and wait for the coroner to determine the age of the child. They determined the child to be 9-12 weeks.
I sent Abby Johnson, former director of a Planned Parenthood in the Bryan/College Station, TX area, pictures of the child. She said they baby parts were remarkably well-developed. She said, "The findings are consistent with the remains of an abortion procedure." Abby worked for years as a "products of conception technician," which is a term for someone who reassembles baby body parts after an abortion. She also said, “Based on the development of the foot and the formation of the leg, and what appears to be a tear at the top of the leg, this looks like an abortion done through vacuum aspiration on a child at 12 to 14 weeks LMP.”
Mr. Baranyay also said that this was not a chargeable case since the fetus not viable and less that 20 weeks old. The medical examiner determined the death was natural. Did the baby dismember itself? They might as well have said the 12 week fetus committed suicide.
As Mr. Mike Baranyay was leaving, I asked him where the remains were. All he would tell me was that "they were disposed of properly." He wouldn't tell me who has them, or where they went, or if they stayed at the abortion mill. I begged and gave no real answer.
What we are fighting:
We want a proper and dignified burial service for the child. That simple. This child, Joseph Thomas, deserves at least a little bit of dignity. This Monday call Mike Baranyay 915-564-7322 and kindly and humbly ask that we may give the child a proper burial. And remind him that Bishop Armando asked for a proper burial for Joseph Thomas.
Things the media misreported:
The clinic is called Hilltop Women's Reproductive Clinic - NOT Hillside (reported by KVIA)
The clinic was NOT closed on Friday. In fact they had many patients and when police arrived, their staff was dispatched before their normal closing time. - (KVIA reported that the clinic was closed. It was open all morning and part of the afternoon)
The remains were found by the clinic neighbor and placed the remains in the bag and put it next to the trash bin (reported by KVIA)
The dismembered child was found on the gravel of the clinic parking lot and put into a bag - was NOT found in a bag. (El Paso Times and KFOX)
Reports worth checking out: http://liveaction.org/blog/baby-body-parts-found-in-el-paso-abortion-clinic-parking-lot-police-investigating/
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