Sunday, February 28, 2010

Rock for Life Concert coming up!

Rock for Life is coming up soon! We are extremely excited about this event! Pro-Life shirts will be available for sale, i-pod raffles, food and excellent music! Come out and join all Christians united praising the Lord and thanking God for the gift of Life!  As the flier says, LIFE ROCKS! It really does! Hope to meet you there.

Don't forget, free admission with a baby item! These items will be donated to the pregnancy help centers of El Paso. God bless you and have a blessed day of the Lord.


Day 11 - The Armor of God

Today was day 11 of the 40 days for life campaign and another baby was spared from abortion, Praise God! The babies’ father was instrumental in helping save his own son. This happened after he spoke with one of our sidewalk counselors. Please pray for this couple, that they may find many blessings now that they have opened themselves up to the gift of LIFE!

Now I would like to talk about the armor of God and what it means for us that pray and sidewalk counsel outside of abortion clinics:

Have you noticed how fish can spend their entire life in the ocean and the saltiness of the water never penetrates them? You can eat any ocean fish and it’s not salty! Unless of course, you add salt when you cook it!

Similarly, as persons who spend time outside abortion clinics in peaceful prayer or sidewalk counseling, we are exposed to all kids of ugly things, but somehow that ugliness never penetrates us. That ugliness never becomes part of us. On the contrary, the more we love those parents and their unborn children, the clinic workers and the abortionists, the more protected we seem to become!

The ugliness that I refer too comes in many different forms. Those forms are spiritual, emotional, physical, mental, etc. Examples range from family or friend rejection to what you are doing. Or maybe insults by persons driving by, the clinic staff or the clients. Or perhaps, witnessing that a woman is being forced by her partner or parents to abort. A couple telling you that they already have too many kids and decide to abort this one. Or maybe, observing a couple counting money that would be used to destroy their child. It could be something as sad as watching how someone locks away their maternal instinct and decides that her baby would be too inconvenient to keep at this time. Doubts about what you are doing when the world just doesn’t care. Excuses, for not going to pray, difficulty concentrating in your prayers while at the clinic, etc. But these fade away because of the love you feel for those in need of your prayers, or those needing a helping hand, or the knowledge that they are not alone because you are there for them. Throughout all of this your armor remains intact and nothing seems to penetrate it.

We like to refer to this as putting on the armor of God. In Ephesians 6:11-13 we read:
Put on the armor of God so that you may be able to stand firm against the tactics of the devil. For our struggle is not with flesh and blood but with the principalities, with the powers, with the world rulers of this present darkness, with the evil spirits in the heavens. Therefore, put on the armor of God, that you may be able to resist on the evil day and, having done everything, to hold your ground.

How then should we put on the armor of God? I believe that Jesus gives us the tools with the Sacraments. We should also use the sacramentals given to us by the Church and attend Mass frequently. In other words, we need to be and stay closer to Our Lord. We need to do everything possible to remain in His Grace by steering away from sin in our lives!

In Christ!


Saturday, February 27, 2010

Day 10 - Break the record?

A total of 4 lives were saved today! It is so hard to describe the feeling. But while at the abortion clinic today I remembered something that could help describe perfectly how it feels when a LIFE is saved.

A few months ago while in NY/CT area, I went to the soccer Gold Cup championship game between Mexico and USA. I was rooting for Mexico, but don't get me wrong, I love the USA too! The stadium was packed, everyone was excited and Mexico won that game 5-0. After the 3rd goal, the whole stadium chanted, "CUATRO! CUATRO! CUATRO!" Which means, "FOUR! FOUR! FOUR!" You could feel your heart beating quite fast and your blood rushing, hoping and praying for another goal to secure the win. 

Everyone cheered on with all their heart, and then GOAL! We were all extremely euphoric, jumping up and down, giving high-fives, hugging your neighbor etc. The score was now 4-0. The crowd then started chanting, "CINCO! CINCO! CINCO!" And again that same feeling of your heart beating and then again, another GOAL! 

I found this video online that can show how it was. It's a bit silly but I know you'll understand.

This is exactly how I felt this morning. I received a text message from Cristina, a wonderful sidewalk counselor from the other abortion clinic, letting me know that 3 babies were saved (2 of them are twins!) You just want to jump in the air and shout and thank God for those lives. I know its a different setting than a soccer or football game but its worth the shouting and rejoicing! It's an indescribable joy. I was out there with Vanessa when the 4th life was saved and I wish all of our pro-life friends were there to rejoice with us! I felt like screaming, "CINCO! CINCO! CINCO!" as I remembered the soccer game.
The face of this young woman was so joyful, I knew right away she had changed her mind. She was at the clinic with a friend of hers, who I'm sure talked her out of it. The friend mentioned to her, "God will provide!" with a smile on her face. I'm thankful for great friends like that!!

Now, can you imagine how heaven rejoices? If only we could see the angels and the communion of saints. Isn't that an amazing thought?

**Side note: Please pray for Helen

Friday, February 26, 2010

Day 9 Surprises

This day was definitely full of surprises!

We have a poster that says, "Pregnant and scared? Had an abortion? Call 915-564-4444." A car drove into the clinic driveway asking about the poster. There were three women in the car and they mentioned that one of their sisters had already had 3 miscarriages and was very angry with God. We gave them information and they were very grateful. We gave them all rosaries and reminded them to pray for the babies and for the sister. I suggested to them to talk to the sister about seeking healing. They drove by a few more times smiling and thanking us.

Shortly after a very nice black truck drives in. To my surprise it was a former clinic security guard! I was so happy to see him. We gave each other a big hug! A few years ago when he was the guard, we would talk about life and it's struggles. We would talk about family. He has a daughter and a girlfriend. He would constantly tell me he hated working there and that it was difficult finding a new job. He finally got himself fired. I would tell him often to pray, and to ask God to help him find a good and dignified job where no blood money is involved.

After he was fired, I think the security guard company probably went through over 5 guards because they all just hated working there. The guards were treated horribly and they would complain of boredom. There hasn't been any security guards in over a year.

This young man, now has a great job, he has beautiful new truck, and feels like he can really provide for his family. I remember clearly telling him, "Once you leave this job, God will bless you!" And he has.

Another surprise came around. It was almost noon and I was about to leave when an old friend showed up! She happened to drive by and decided to pray. So we ended up staying for another hour. In her prayer she would say, "God, please save a baby!!!" My first reaction was to think, "The abortionist just left, he already did all the abortions. We'll just wait 'til they come out from recovery." Then I told myself, "I have faith, it can happen!" When one lady came out I approached her car to offer her post-abortion information. She did not look like she had an abortion, so I asked her, "Did you change your mind?" She said, "I didn't do it." I smiled at her and me unconvinced, I asked another way, "Did you go through the procedure?" She said very undecidedly, "No, but I might come back." I told her "Don't come back here, can I give you a gift?" She said, "For what?" "For your baby!" She smiled and I gave her a gift. I told her again not to come back and that abortion can harm her. I asked her to pray and that we would be praying for her too. She smiled and left. Please pray for her!!

And the final surprise! I was just notified a few hours ago that baby #4 was saved at the pregnancy help center, House of Hope at about the same time as baby 3. God is good!! And God is faithful! Please pray for these women and their babies. God bless you!!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Day 8 – 40 Days for Life - El Paso

Today was an exhausting day! When I got to the clinic, it was full of cars and not a spot available except for the nurse’s parking space. When one car would leave another would pull up and take the available space. It went on the entire morning until 11:00 am. On Wednesdays the "security guard" is not at the clinic so it made it much easier for myself and Gaby to counsel the women going in even though none of them took the information, except for one couple wanting a pregnancy test but went to House of Hope instead. One woman drove up after the couple. I walked behind her car as she drove into the parking space ready to give her the information to hopefully turn her away. As she pulled into the parking space, she opened the door and saw me standing in the alley. She quickly closed the door and remained in her car for about 10-15 minutes. After the amount of time she quickly got out of her car and walked into the clinic. After about 3 minutes inside the clinic, she came back out, got in her car and drove away. She did not take any information but it seems like she went in to look for someone since she was only in there a short amount of time. 
After the lady left, a while later the doctor showed up to perform surgical abortions. As he was driving up he saw our poster of an abortion gone wrong at the clinic a few months before, he just laughed and continued driving in. Once the doctor finished, as he was driving away he gave Gaby a thumbs up. For what reason? We will never know.
As long as abortions are being performed, as long as babies are being killed, we can't stop the prayers. Not only for the babies but for the conversion of the doctors, nurses and all who participate in abortion! For they are not our enemies, they are blinded to the truth! When I first started going to pray at the clinic I thought that everyone who worked there was an enemy. I would get cursed at, thrown the middle finger and told to go home by them. One random day the nurse said to me, "If you had an abortion you need to forgive yourself and be healed, because Jesus died on the cross for you and me so stop coming here." Little do they know as they were telling me this I was praying for God to bless them and change their hearts.
A prayer I usually say for the abortion workers at the clinic and for all around the world is, "Lord, bless theses nurses for you know them far better than I do. For even if they are doing wrong and killing your children they are still your children and they belong to you. Soften their hearts so they may see us praying for the mothers, fathers and for them. We don't like what they do because it goes against you but we love them because you call each and every one of us to love just like you love us. Give them love, mercy, compassion and understanding that they may see us praying and turn to you." Amen! Please continue to pray for them and for us. God Bless You.

In HIS Service,

Day 7 – 40 Days for Life - El Paso

I would like to announce that today another human being was saved from being killed! I do not know the details yet of what happened but please keep a very brave mother named Natalie and her unborn baby in your prayers.

Today at the clinic it was a cold yet beautiful morning. There were snow flurries and it was just a beautiful sight. We saw a total of 5 women arrive to the abortion clinic. Today I prayed the Stations of the Cross with meditations by St. Padre Pio. His writings amaze me each time and I think about all of his sufferings and the persecution that he suffered from the evil one. Padre Pio was blessed with the 5 wounds of Christ Crucified so he knew pain and suffering pretty well. Padre Pio loved God so much it's so mind blowing. He says, "I have no wish whatsoever to have my cross lightened for it is a joy for me to suffer with Jesus. When I contemplate the cross on the shoulders of Jesus, I feel myself strengthened, and I exult with holy joy." He knew to share all of his sufferings with Jesus' sufferings. That's what I'm learning to do while at the abortion clinic which I like to compare to Calvary. What we suffer on our daily lives does not compare to what these babies suffer through abortion. What we suffer in our daily lives does not compare to what Jesus Christ suffered on the cross for our salvation.

Persecution is inevitable at times and it includes some sufferings - waking up early, fasting, standing in the cold, standing out in the hot sun, cars driving by and screaming profanities at you and the list goes on. To this list I want to add the clinic worker giving me the middle finger. Now if we convert all these "attacks" and "sufferings" to love, it becomes love when we unite them to Jesus' sufferings. There are times when I get flipped off and I feel great love for that nurse. I bless her and I translate her profanity as a hug.

On Monday it rained quite a bit. Knowing that God is in control of the weather, seeing this rainbow told me many things.

Rainbows have constantly been a reminder of God's promises to us. It also reminds me of hope after the storm. A rainbow forms when the sun shines onto rain like in the picture. A beautiful and colorful rainbow forms with the darkness in the background.

That is exactly what we see at these abortion clinics. Darkness in the background. But when we least expect it God shines the light and we see the beauty and value of life even if we are being persecuted or are suffering because we know that we brought light to this place and know that someone was touched by Christ. This is when sufferings and persecutions become sweet and joyful because you know that through Christ you made a difference in someone's life.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Our Lady of Perpetual Help

This morning I received a call from Lupita, who had decided to keep her baby on day 1 of the 40 days for life campaign. She and her baby are doing fine! The reason for the call was to ask me to be on the lookout and to call a young woman by the name of Elizabeth whom she had met and was scheduled to have an abortion this morning. Please note that all the names we use are pseudonyms and not the person’s real name.

I spoke to Elizabeth on the phone and she told me that she has three children. We established that in reality she has four children, one of whom is on the way. Elizabeth is six weeks pregnant and after a long conversation she told me that she would think about what she would want to do. Elizabeth ended up not going to her abortion appointment that was scheduled for 9:00 a.m. Praise God! And please, keep Elizabeth in your prayers, so she is not tempted to have the abortion.

Another extraordinary thing that happened by coincidence (Coincidence is God's way of remaining anonymous -Albert Einstein) is that I found out that a lady that had decided to keep her baby during the Fall 40 days for life campaign and is now around seven months pregnant and is doing fine. Please keep her and her baby in your prayers. Below, please find what was written on the log back on October 9th 2009:

“Have you seen the icon of Our Lady of Perpetual Help? How Jesus as a child runs to His mother’s arms for consolation? Do you remember when as a child you ran to your mother’s arms for consolation? This morning after praying/counseling at the clinic, I placed Our Lady (the one we take to the abortion clinic) on the center table at home, got on my knees and hugged her. I needed to be consoled like a child needs to be consoled by his mother. Let me explain:

A lady that I will call Alejandra as a pseudonym parked on the street in front of me. She went into the clinic to abort. A few minutes later she came out saying that she wants to keep her baby. I started talking to her and giving her the information we have. I even gave her a PAS (post abortion syndrome) pamphlet so she can read on the trauma that abortion causes on women. She started crying and told me that her husband was pressuring her to abort, that she was scared. She was happy and scared for her baby, but wanted to keep it. She asked me to pray for her husband. That’s when Nurse Irma appeared. This nurse is the daughter of the co-owner of the abortion clinic and she continually harasses people. We both told her to go away and Irma kept insisting on knowing what I was telling Alejandra. Alejandra told Irma that I was talking to her about God, but Irma kept at it. We waked to Alejandra’s car and Irma followed us wanting to know why she wanted to abort. Irma used a mixture of truths and lies on Alejandra. She told her to pray about it, but also told her that there are many children not loved, that babies aborted don’t feel pain, because in her own words, “nobody remembers when they where in their mother’s womb, so if you can’t remember then you don’t know if something hurts." It can be intimidating and disturbing how the evil one fights for each and every child and how Alejandra had decided to keep her baby, and he came after her using nurse Irma as his instrument.

As Alejandra was leaving I placed my pro-life rosary on her hand and told her that I will be praying. Irma wanted to grab the rosary from Alejandra, but she clinched it, got on her car and left with tears rolling down her eyes.

That’s why I got home and ran to my Heavenly Mother’s arms. The fight against abortion is about helping the souls at risk of eternal damnation. It’s about bringing hope to those parents who are scared. It’s about bringing the Kingdom of God within anyone’s reach. God in His infinite Mercy takes care of the babies and when one baby is saved, well that is another soul that will glorify his Creator and will praise and exalt Him above all forever!

Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the Divine Power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who wander throughout the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.”

For Life!


Sunday, February 21, 2010

A Lion in a Cage

This is a meditation on the motherly instinct to protect their child:

If you are considering an abortion, your God given instinct will want to come out and protect your baby. You might be tempted or pressured to lock that instinct inside of you. Please let it out! If you don’t, an internal struggle will tear you apart. That “tearing apart” is one of the reasons we see persons who have aborted with symptoms like depression, suicidal thoughts, alcoholism, drug addiction, inability to maintain relationships, difficulty bonding with surviving children, etc.

Archbishop Fulton Sheen once said that “The Catholic faith is like a lion in a cage. You don’t need to defend it – you simply need to open the cage door.” Following that line of thought, the maternal instinct is also like a lion in a cage. If you are struggling with the temptation to have an abortion – you simply need to open the cage door to your maternal instinct! Once you do that, you will feel like the weight of the world has been lifted off your shoulders and you will see things in a different light. Your problems might not be over, but you will find that by opening yourself to the Will of God, He will always be there for you!

If you are the mother of a young lady who is pregnant, your maternal instinct will be to protect her. If your idea of “protecting” your daughter is to guide or force her into having an abortion, then consider the consequences aforementioned. In a misguided effort to protect their child, we see many mothers driving their daughters into abortion clinics.

For Life!


Saturday, February 20, 2010

Day 4 – Spring campaign 40 Days for Life - El Paso

Today we saw nine patients go to the Schuster abortion clinic. Two of those patients by the Grace of God, decided to turnaround and leave without even going into the clinic! Your prayerful presence made a big difference! Praise God!

An additional three patients that had arrived dressed for abortion (loose clothing) left early enough that we believe that they left without having aborted their babies. Because we didn’t have a chance to talk to them on their way out we don’t know the exact reasons why they left. Possible reasons are that they changed their minds, that they made an appointment for another day, that their pregnancy test was negative etc. Usually when a person has an abortion the pain on her face, the sadness in her eyes, how she curls up into the seat of the car and her demeanor tells the story. Plus they normally leave with a white piece of paper with instructions. These three persons did not have those visible signs.

The other four patients had possible chemical abortions. When a pregnancy is in the early stages, the baby is chemically destroyed using an abortifacient named Mifepristone or RU486. For additional information on the RU486 and educational articles on abortion follow this link:

Gloria who is one of the abortion clinic owners mocked us as she arrived by moving her hands in a manner similar to how a priest would when giving a blessing. I was holding the Crucifix at the time and facing her. A few minutes later she came out to scream at us, but her face showed fright instead of showing anger like it usually does. Please pray for Gloria and all the clinic workers; that they can find a change of heart and a true conversion. Like the mothers and their babies, abortion practitioners also need our prayers.

On a lighter note today 27 prayer warriors came to the clinic! The women beat us (again!) by one with 14 vs. 13 men. The knights made their presence known this morning. Praise God that more men are beginning to visibly support life!

For the greater Glory of God,


Friday, February 19, 2010

Day 3 – 40 Days for Life - El Paso

What a busy day! It was heartbreaking to see 25 cars arrive to the abortion clinic. It is hard to tell who's there for what. Since Planned Parenthood in El Paso closed, many women are coming to these abortion clinics for STD testing and birth control. We have to assume they're all there for abortion so that we may sidewalk counsel. I think 3 women accepted the information.
I want to share with you some videos from youtube. They are great! This first one tells us that the baby's heart inside the womb begins beating at 3 weeks and 1 day from conception.

This next video shows clinic workers (a nurse and an abortionist doctor) from Planned Parenthood lying about the humanity of the baby - completely contradicting what expert scientists have shown us. 

This is so wrong! Women are lied to at these abortion clinics all the time! To learn more about the development of human beings visit and to learn and support investigations as in the video above visit

Friends, let's continue to pray and fast to end abortion! If you would like to sign up for the prayer vigils please visit and click on Vigil Schedule. Being physically present at the abortion clinics is just like the Virgin Mary, Mary Magdalene and St. John did. They were at calvary, at the foot of the Cross, at the moment of Jesus' death. God bless you and please pray for us.


Thursday, February 18, 2010

El Milagro de Guadalupe

Day 2 – Spring campaign 40 Days for Life - El Paso

El Milagro de Guadalupe (The Miracle of Guadalupe)

There is a spanish television program called “El Milagro de Guadalupe.” I don’t know where the stories come from but what I’m about to describe to you is truly a “Milagro de Guadalupe.”

I received a call this afternoon from Lupita, the woman who decided to keep her baby yesterday, day one of the 40 days for life campaign. She said I was her angel and she calls me angel. When I gave her my phone yesterday, I told her that my name is Miguel Angel, and not to forget it, “Miguel Angel.”

She told me that she is 12 weeks pregnant and that she already feels her baby move inside of her. This will be Lupita’s first baby! She told me that her abortion was paid for by her sister in-law and that her baby was scheduled to be killed yesterday at 8:30 a.m.

Lupita described that while sitting in her car, she saw me on her mirror and then saw Gaby praying. That she felt like we were a couple of Angels. When she saw us, she felt “Alivio y iluminaciĆ³n” (healing and an illumined). Lupita went on to describe how the nurse who was acting as a security guard kept enticing her to go inside the clinic. The nurse would say, “Don’t listen to these people, walk inside with me,” and “Eso que traes es una carga para ti” (that thing you are carrying is only a load on you). Lupita then told me that she saw a priest dressed like St. Francis and that it reminded her of the Church she goes to. She said that she thought, “I can’t do this to my baby.”

I can’t figure out how Lupita was able to see the Franciscan Priest (Fr. Luis), since there was a wall between where Lupita was parked and where the priest was standing in prayer. He never walked around the wall to where Lupita could see him, but somehow she saw him! I asked Lupita if she realized how many people where there praying for her and her baby. She said that she never realized how many until she was leaving. She also told me that she recognized a few people from her Church. "La que canta," (Lorena) and other ladies from her church.

Lupita again said that the Franciscan priest she saw there (Fr. Luis) made her think that she needed to go get her ashes (it was Ash Wednesday), and that she did afterwards.

Lupita said that as she was leaving, she saw how mad the lady who honked at me was. That made Lupita mad witnessing how that lady was so mean to me. Lupita said that Gaby gave her a rosary and a gift and that Gaby is an Angel, that she will never forget our faces.

As we continued talking, Lupita told me that she goes to Guadalupe Parish on Alabama St. I said, “O my God, do you realize the number of people, including the priest that where there were from Guadalupe?” “La Virgencita must have put them up to this, so you can see how your Church supports you and your baby!” She cried at realizing how her Church community had been moved to be there, precisely on that day and at that time. Lupita added that she is very devoted to Our Lady of Guadalupe and San Judas Tadeo.

She also described that she is under tremendous pressure from her sister in law and the father of her baby to have the abortion. Unbeknownst to us, a few minutes after Lupita had left, her sister in-law arrived at the clinic looking for her. After the sister in-law realized that Lupita decided to keep her baby, she threatened her to “go kill that baby herself” and the father of the baby said that he did not want to have anything to do with Lupita. I told her that no one can force her to do something that she does not want to do. That the baby is a very special gift from God and the proof is in all the people there giving her prayers and their support.

She said that she can’t believe how women kill their babies and she asked me if anyone else changed her mind about having the abortion. I told her that there was a possible turnaround but we did not know for sure. She asked me if people mistreat us like she saw yesterday, and I told her sometimes they do, but you and your baby and all the mothers and their babies are worth it!

She told me that her “Prima” (cousin) was very happy that she had decided to keep her baby. The cell she was using was lent to her by her cousin. I told her “You see, even people that you know are supporting your decision to keep your baby!”

Today, at Our Lord’s pleasure, He gave us a glimpse of what happens “behind the scenes” how a woman in a crisis pregnancy feels, how a woman being forced to abort feels helpless and needs our help. How our prayerful presence makes a difference. How abortion clinic employees try to entice the women to go inside where they can confuse them further.

On 9/11 when people all over the country felt fear and uncertainty, we flocked to our Churches because at Church we felt safe. One day God willing, the same will happen with anyone who is pregnant and scared, or feels pressured to abort. Today by the Grace of God and I’m sure by the intersession of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Lupita’s Guadalupe Church was moved to be at that clinic on that day and at that time!

For the Greater Glory of God!

Miguel Angel

Day 2 – 40 Days for Life - El Paso

It was a quiet day today at the clinic. We saw a total of 4 women go in today to the abortion clinic. None of them took our information. All women were gone by 10:30am. Hilltop was covered all morning long in prayer and there was no sign of the abortionist. 

I think a highlight of the day was when Gloria, the abortionist nurse came out and told me, "Hi Sexy!" I laughed because I didn't ever expect her to say something like that. I am used to her giving me the middle finger on a daily basis and whenever she doesn't give me the middle finger I miss her attention. Gloria later told me to have a dozen children. I told her I would. Quite funny.

Yesterday was such a blessing especially after witnessing a woman change her mind. Today we found out that she saw a Priest praying at the abortion clinic which she took as a sign that she should not have the abortion. So thank you to the Priests who showed up to pray at the clinic! But it wasn't just any priest, coincidentally (well, we know with God there are no coincidences) her parish Priest was one of the Priests that was present yesterday morning! Furthermore, her parish community was there to support her in prayer and neither of them knew that!

It's a beautiful thought knowing that God puts certain desires in our hearts. Desires like wanting to pray outside a building where many babies are killed. It's a beautiful thought to know that God chose us on that one day to pray for that woman especially. I want to invite you to not ignore those desires in your heart. Allow the Holy Spirit to lead you in your desires especially when it has to do with defending life. Let us continue to pray to end abortion and fight for what we know is right.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, we thank you for choosing us on this day to serve you. Thank you for that opportunity to reach out to others. Thank you for allowing us to be your soldiers. You're the general, show us the way. In Jesus' name AMEN!


Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Day 1 – 40 Days for Life - El Paso

It was a beautiful and warm morning for the kickoff day! We didn’t know how many people to expect, and Our Lord sent us 50+ prayer warriors. What a sight!

Just as people started arriving to pray, a woman "Lupita" arrived for her abortion appointment. Her car windows were closed and she did not take our information pamphlets. Lupita was playing at full volume a heart break song in Spanish, but stayed in her car. She kept playing the song over and over. From time to time, she would lower the volume and use her cell phone. Clearly, she was in distress and crying helplessly.

Meanwhile the vigil participants started arriving. I asked Virginia, one of the prayer warriors who was there to please help coordinate the persons by asking them to pray in front of the sidewalk. When Alfonso arrived, he handed out signs to the vigil participants. Everyone was praying for Lupita who was sitting in her car.

Lupita stayed in her car in what seemed like an eternity, but in reality it was close to two hours. Gaby and I alternated waiting to sidewalk counsel her in case she got out of her car. At one point one of the abortion clinic nurses approached her and attempted to entice her to go inside the clinic. Gaby told the nurse to ask her if she needed to speak with a priest (there were 2 priests on the sidewalk). The nurse was nice and let her know. Thank God, that Lupita remained in the car.

Finally Lupita started to back out of her parking space. I thought, "Praise God Almighty, she is leaving!" As I stood waiting to talk to her, one of the clinic owners drove in and honked her car at me really loud. This startled Lupita and she drove back into her parking space. I prayed, “Please Lord; don’t let her go inside the clinic.”
As the clinic owner drove past her, Lupita backed out again and I got to talk to her a bit. With tears in her eyes she told me, “I want to keep my baby.”
We talked a bit and she gave me her name. I mentioned to her, “Do you realize how many people have been praying for you and your baby?”
You see, up to this point Lupita had not seen how many persons had been praying so close to her. She had gotten there just before the bulk of the people started arriving. And all the time she was sitting in her car the vigil participants had been out of her line of sight.

As we talked some more, I gave her my name and cell in case she needed to talk. I also gave her the literature we normally hand out. Then out of the corner of my eye, I saw the clinic owner heading our way. I told Lupita, “You should leave now; they are going to try to get you to go inside the abortion clinic.”

Lupita understood and nodded, then drove off, but not before she stopped and talked to Gaby further down the alley. They talked for a good while. Gaby gave her a rosary and a baby gift.

The one thing that made the difference between life and death in the life of Lupita and her baby is that YOU took the time to pray. YOU took the time to show Lupita that there are good people out there who care for her and her baby. Yes, your prayers are helping to change hearts! If you are praying from home, from your work or are out there in front of the abortion clinic, your prayers are being heard.

For the Greater Glory of God!
Pro-life El Paso/Cruces/Juarez

P.S. We had a turnout of about 33 people at the candlelight vigil tonight. We sang praises to God and thanked God for all the blessings of the day. Thanks to all who showed!